Pakistan Is IT -- A Media Watch

Monday, July 04, 2005

Making up for IT’s lost decade -- Dawn, EBR, July 4, 2005

Making up for IT’s lost decade
Published in Dawn, Economic & Business Review, July 4, 2005 ( by Athar Osama

Punchline: ONE question that is often raised among Pakistani IT/software entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers alike is whether or not and to what extent does Pakistan today represents a dynamic industry that is similar to India’s from a decade ago? This is a perfectly legitimate concern for those aspiring to follow the example of Indian software industry and replicate it at home. And it is, by no means, an unworthy goal to seek. Last year alone, India exported over $17 billion worth of IT/ITES/BPO services to the world.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Diaspora Entrepreneurship Leads to "Win-Win" Scenarios -- eCommerce Times

Diaspora Entrepreneurship Leads to "Win-Win" Scenarios
Published in eCommerce Times, Monday, June 6, 2005 (By: Athar Osama)
Available at:

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Fighting an "Image" Problem: An IT Industry Rises in Pakistan -- eCommerce Times

eCommerce News Network, May 17, 2005 (By: Athar Osama)
Available at:

Punchline: When it comes to Pakistan, the image belies the reality, and seeing is believing. From the shadows of a misplaced image has emerged an innovative strategy that seems to do the trick. This might just be the right kind of break the country's software industry needs from its rather lackluster past. Pakistan is fast becoming a happening place for IT.

Virtual Secretary Puts a New Face on Pakistan -- The Washington Post

Despite Area's Instability, More U.S. Firms Are Offshoring There...
The Washington Post, May 10, 2005 (By: Mitra Kalita, Washington Post Staff Writer)
Available at:

Punchline: In a chic downtown lobby across the street from the Old Executive Office Building, Saadia Musa answers phones, orders sandwiches and lets in the FedEx guy. And she does it all from Karachi, Pakistan.

Pakistan software groups see peace dividend -- Financial Times

Published: July 6 2004 15:40 Last updated: July 6 2004 15:45 (by Farhan Bokhari)
Available at:,dwp_uuid=2ce778be-2bcd-11d8-81c6-0820abe49a01.html

Punchline: Pakistan’s software producers are hoping to establish closer ties with IT companies from neighbouring India as a pay-off from improving relations between the two south Asian countries. The renewal of commitments last month by the newly-elected Indian government of prime minister Manmohan Singh to continue the peace process with Pakistan, has coincided with an invitation from the Pakistan Software Houses Association (Pasha) to India’s National Association of Software and Service Companies (Nasscom) for an Indian IT business delegation to Pakistan.

Pakistan: Better Late Than Never In Oursourcing -- Business Week

Pakistan is trying to copy India's success in luring IT work, but it's slow going...
Published in Business Week, May 9, 2005.
Available at:

Punchline: Think software and services outsourcing, and places like Bangalore, Manila, and perhaps Budapest spring to mind. But Lahore or Karachi? The Pakistani cities might not be on the outsourcing map yet, but the country's software shops are out to change that. "As a natural course, American companies would not look at Pakistan," acknowledges Jehan Ara, president of the 250-member Pakistan Software Houses Assn. "So we have to get them to look at us, and once they do business with us and credibility is established, they come back for more."